Monday, January 9, 2012

It's Electrifying!

Happy National Static Electricity Day Everyone!

I'll have you know, I could have been lame about today's holiday and simply re-vamped the sock monster post , but after putting my amazing, albeit often Willy Wonka style crazy folk logic to use, I decided that if you were a note passed to me in grade school asking me if I liked you and to check "yes" or "no", I'd check yes. 

But just so we're clear, I don't "like like" you.  
I just like you.
I mean, it's not you, it's me.  
The whole marriage thing ya know?
But I mean, I'm sure you're wonderful.
And you obviously have good taste if you're still reading...

Uh-hmm, sooooooooooo...
As I was saying, you don't want to disappoint the folks that ya like, so... TA-DA!: a brand-spakin' new post!

Static electricity.
Well, I expereince static electricity on a daily basis.  I've been shocked pretty intensely too.  I know that sounds dumb, but it's true.  Practically each time I get out of the car and go to shut the door


But now I have a system.
Yep, now when I get out, I just use my foot to shut the door.  

I know -  I . am . a . Gen-ius!
Take that extra electrons!  Not gonna get me today suckahs!

Oy.  Maybe I should have stuck with the sock monster re-post idea.

BUT,  I actually do have some pretty EXCITE-ing news for you today!
I've decided to expand my "Party in Your Mouth" brand a wee bit.
That being said, I would like you to have the first official sneak peak.

Just in time for Valentines Day... Introducing
Anywhoozys by Toozy

Anywhoozys are my new line of dough keepsake ornaments - perfect for anyone for any occasion. 
Always customizable and 100% handmade. :)

Have an Electric Monday Everyone!
and watch out for that static electricity as you're getting out of the car ;)

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